With specific aromatic products and/or fragrances to choose from, Fragrance Factory has a full categorized list of many products in Basic, Designer Type Fragrances & Metaphysical Blends, under a broader group- ‘Bath & Body’, ‘Incense’, ‘Fragrances’, and ‘Diffusers’. As wholesale fragrance oils distributors the company products come in the various forms- Sticks, cones, coils and spirals; include but are not limited to perfumes, incenses, aromatherapy products like bath salts, designer fragrances, burners, Oils for sensual/general body massage purposes. Unscented incense sticks are another great line of products that the company offers along-with a few others like Sheesham Wood Boxes and Coffin Storage & Burner.
A ‘Gladys Ann’ Company, Fragrance Factory is a wholesale fragrance oils that has been providing the fragrance & aromas for over 25 years now. Products like incense sticks are soaked and drenched in pure fragrances and the oils, containing no added alcohol/acetone unlike the products from other companies. Cosmetically graded quality products are referred to as healthy by the company for the skin unless fragrances in general cause you an allergy.
The fragrance oils and incense sticks have been observed to be greatly therapeutic in a way that these connect with the memories and play a phenomenal role in any of the social environment/situation to rejuvenate the minds and energizing the senses, resulting in putting forward a unique impression about our individuality. This boosts positivity in life and the environment with an increased vitality and improved drive towards resistance to failure in general. Outselling its competitors by a ratio of 2:1, to have become the best in the fragrance business; the company has removed the minimum order quantity parameters, facilitating the retail customers to place orders.
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